Raw Analogue Drums
The Pearl Syncussion SY-1 is an extremely rare analogue drum synthesizer originally manufactured in 1979 by Pearl Musical Instruments.
This freaky little box is capable of producing a huge palette of percussive sounds, powerful kicks and experimental sound effects which carry a vintage sound inherent to its unique drum synthesis methods and extremely powerful sounding oscillators…

Sampling the SY-1
After finally getting our hands on one of these extraordinary instruments we just knew we had to sample it!
Our goal was to record a versatile and creative collection of sounds from one of the rarest and most powerful drum synths ever made; resulting in 1885 beautifully recorded drum samples.

In the Detail
We worked extremely hard to capture the raw, powerful sound of the SY-1 by recording both a huge selection of dry drums as well as a variety of round robin samples and velocity variations.
Each sound was recorded through mastering grade conversion and high-end analogue preamps.
Adding Character
For extra character and depth, we recorded a wealth of Syncussion sounds through our vast collection of boutique all-analogue gear.
Additionally, a number of sounds were re-sampled through our EMU SP-12 Turbo to obtain a lo-fi, gritty texture.
Last but by no means least we visited the world of analogue tape by recording over 800 drum hits to analogue tape via a Studer A820 tape machine…

What’s Included?
1885 24-bit 100% royalty free electronic drum hits!
839 drum sounds recorded to 1/4” tape via a Studer A80 Mk1 tape machine
162 unprocessed kick drum samples including cone-melting subs, snappy clicks and enormous bass drums
74 beautifully processed kick drum sounds making use of our extensive outboard collection
16 creatively layered kicks and huge subs
148 carefully recorded round robin sample variations
158 percussion hits and wired tones
134 blips, glitch and creative noise hits
71 lo-fi SP-12 drum sounds including twisted percussion and lo-fi hits
95 tom samples covering deep to disco and everything in between
48 stereo SFX sounds
104 additional layered snare drum and hi hat samples. Snares and hats are not the Syncussion’s strongest point so we included a huge bonus collection of punchy snares and silky hats
63 ‘ready to play’ drum kits including sampler patches for Battery, Kontakt, NI Maschine, Reason NNXT, Halion, EXS24 and SFZ
Ableton Live Pack including 57 Drum Racks and 63 Sampler Instruments
6 multi samples kits, each offered in a variety of key labelled pitches and designed to be played as musical patches